
Guys, it is cold out in these part, not gonna lie. We hit double digit negatives last week and in the upper NE corner of the state people had some -50F wind chills. No kidding!

I just wanted to post and say I’m excited for warmer weather. I took yet another break from my studio build(which by the way is going to be done this weekend), this time mostly to write some lyrics for mostly finished tunes. And for real, songwriting is hard. Lyrics come at a premium when you are trying to write something of quality that makes sense. Putting together a few chords has never been my problem, it’s finishing the actual song – and you can ask anyone I’ve ever been in a band with, they will agree.

New Year, New Me

Or whatever, I don’t know. What a weird year. I think we are all ready for some positive news and something to look forward to. My studio recording/master control room/etc etc etc is almost there and I’ve compiled a long list of stuff to record. I’ve added another mic to my arsenal, grabbed a set of studio monitors after researching and listening to them for months, and put together a pretty rad desk setup. Progress continues.

This was taken up north on New Years Eve with the moon behind a bin. Not the best pic but you get the idea. I’m a band geek not a photo master, whatever.

Happy Halloween

Hey everyone – it’s finally Halloween, and you know what that means – time to dress yourself and your animals up! I’ll put up the best pic I have and you decide how they look. Happy Halloween from a spooky skeledog and a cranky crab cat.

Goodbye Summer

Damn, the summer just flew by too fast yet again. We are still locked down and for my actual job this may be a more permanent type thing, so we will see what happens over the next few months.

Be safe wherever you are. Make yourself a grilled cheese Idaho like this one. Goodbye summer, you’ve been swell.

Collab Project Release

Hey all – the Sonic Guys collab project put together by my good friend Ryan out of the NW corner has been released out onto the digital atmosphere. You can check it out, stream and support all of the excellent artists on your platform of choice, and you can hear my guitar work on the track below. Massive thanks and appreciation for all of this goes to Ryan for putting it together, mixing things up and getting all the music out there. And all of the other amazing folks across the globe that contributed – all the songs turned out ridiculously awesome:

Break Time

Making some slow progress here. Finished up the track for the collab project and rearranged the mixing/recording room, got some panel blueprints and between this and work and everything else, it’s time for a break. The oldest and I went out and hit Wood Lake, Benchmark, Patrol Mountain, Lava Lake, did some fishing in the lakes and creeks and so far got skunked by these darn fish. One of these days boy I tell ya hwut, I am gonna figure out how to reliably catch them.

Building, Writing, Planning

It’s exciting times around here – summer is upon us and there are so many hikes and places to go and see that are quarantine-friendly. I have started measuring and figuring out acoustic panel sizes, combing YouTube for how to build some bass traps, and looking into a better solution for a work desk that is mobile with some more space. It will all make sense later I’ve been told.

Stocked up on some beers courtesy of Map Brewing doing the home delivery – which is killer. Playing more tunes in the garage before it gets too hot.

Project Update

Hey all – I promised to give up some info on what else I am up to, so if you want to join the live stream at 8pm tonight over at you can come and find out. Big props to Ryan for the invite and looking forward to having some fun with this!

Progress in Lockdown

Hey everyone – getting out in the world is still weird. I’ve made excellent progress otherwise in my home studio/office build. I have upgraded my interface, and am working on moving away from the portable digital multichannel recorder to using a DAW. In fact, I have a side project I am working on with a group of friends that I will be sharing soon. It’s going to be fun, and totally different than any Diamondbacks stuff, and I think you’ll enjoy.

So here’s a double rainbow, since I’ve been literally nowhere of note to take pictures in the last several weeks.